Monday, December 22, 2014


Merry Christmas and happy New Year!

What are your professional plans for the new year?

My main plan for 2015 is to become better with time management.

It's my hope that with more honed time management skills, I can:
  • Publish more. We currently have a few papers in process, but we really need to up the ante this year in our subfield. Two papers in 2012, one paper in 2013, and one paper in 2014. The aim is for 4 papers in 2015. Collaboration is key. Anything less will be a disappointment. Anything more is just gravy.
  • Mentor. Take a junior scientist (or two) under my wing and get her to the point of going after a first author paper. It's time for this.
Here's to a good start to 2015!

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